4 reasons why autumn is a perfect time to plant

Cool climate Southern Highlands garden plants in autumn

Autumn is an ideal time for planting in the Southern Highlands due to our cool climate, and it’s not just because we are feeling the relief from the heat of the summer sun!  Here we take a look at the top 4 reasons why Autumn is a perfect time to plant in the Southern Highlands.

The heat of summer has passed

One of the reasons why autumn is an ideal time to plant plants in a cool climate garden is due to the cooler temperatures. During the summer months plants can struggle to establish roots in the heat. This can lead to stress and potential failure. Stress is minimised as temperatures cool in autumn, and the plants can establish their roots without the added stress of the heat.

Establishment before soil temperatures drop

Another benefit of planting in autumn in the Southern Highlands is that it allows plants to become established before the freezing winter temperatures set in. This is important because during the winter months the temperatures drop below freezing and the soil becomes cold.  This leads to the plants establishing roots more slowly. It’s a great idea to get your plants in the ground before winter arrives in order for them to really thrive in the following growing season over spring and summer.

Strong root growth

The warm soil during autumn allows plants to establish roots that will grow and develop in the following spring. During the summer months plants focus more on growing leaves and producing flowers rather than establishing strong roots. Therefore planting in autumn in the Southern Highlands allows the plants to focus on root growth. As a result they are well-established for the upcoming growing season.

Less disease

During autumn many pests and diseases are less active, which allows the plants to establish without the added stress of these threats. By planting in the autumn plants can avoid being exposed to some of the most common diseases and pests that they may encounter during the spring and summer months.


Autumn is the perfect time to plant plants in the Southern Highlands.  By taking advantage of the ideal conditions in autumn you can plant a garden that is healthy and vibrant in the spring and summer months, leading to more successful growing seasons for years to come.  If you would like us to help with your planting you can get in touch with us now!

Happy planting!

Cool climate Southern Highlands garden plants in autumn
Plant now so your garden can look like this next autumn!


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