Our top tips for controlling weeds in your garden

Our top tips for controlling weeds in your garden

As any gardener knows, weeds can be a major nuisance in the garden. Weeds compete with your desired plants for nutrients and water and can impact their health.  They can also make an otherwise lovely garden look unattractive and even harbor pests and diseases. Fortunately, there are a number of effective strategies you can use to control weeds in your garden. Here are some of our top tips!
(Need help knowing what’s a weed and what’s not? Check out this handy online weed key from Weeds Australia!)

Mulch, mulch, mulch

Mulching is one of the best ways to control weeds in your garden. By covering the soil with a layer of organic material you create a barrier that prevents weed seeds from germinating and growing. Mulching also helps to retain moisture in the soil, which can be beneficial during dry spells.  Types of mulch include leaf litter, Eucy mulch and woodchips.

Weed regularly

One of the most effective ways to control weeds is simply to pull them out by hand. This is particularly important when weeds are young and haven’t had a chance to set seed. Regular weeding can be a bit of a chore, but it’s much easier than dealing with a garden overrun with weeds.

To make weeding easier, try to catch weeds when they are still small. This is especially important for perennial weeds, which can be much harder to remove once they have established a strong root system.

Use weed barriers

Weed barriers are materials that are placed over the soil to prevent weed growth. They come in a variety of forms, including landscape fabric and cardboard. Weed barriers are particularly useful in areas where you don’t want any plants to grow, such as paths and driveways.

We recommend NEVER using weedmat – see our post here to find out why!

When using weed barriers, it’s important to make sure they are installed correctly. For example, landscape fabric should be covered with a layer of mulch or other material to prevent it from breaking down in the sun.  Cardboard should be overlapped to prevent weeds from growing between the sheets.

Plant densely

Planting your garden densely can help to prevent weed growth by reducing the amount of open soil available. Particularly in vegetable gardens and flower beds you can pack in a variety of plants to create a lush, attractive display.

When planting densely, it’s important to choose plants that are compatible with each other and that won’t compete for resources. You should also make sure to leave enough space for each plant to grow to its full size.

Use organic weed killers

If you’re looking for a natural way to control weeds, there are a number of organic weed killers available that can be effective without harming your plants or the environment. Some popular options include vinegar, salt, and boiling water.

When using organic weed killers, it’s important to use them carefully to avoid damaging your plants. For example, vinegar should be applied directly to the weed and not sprayed over a large area, as it can lower the pH of the soil and damage desirable plants. Salt should be used sparingly, as it can accumulate in the soil and make it difficult for any plants to grow. A salt and vinegar solution can work really well for those pesky weeds that grow between pavers!

We hope you can make use of these tips in your garden to help keep it weed-free and enjoyable to spend time in!

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